Manuscripts should be double spaced throughout and single sided. Text should be unjustified, with 1.25-inch margins on all sides. On the first page of the manuscript, place on separate lines the title of the paper, the full names of the authors, and their affiliations. All contact information should also be included on a separate sheet. All pages should be numbered consecutively. Order of the manuscript: title page, abstract, main text of paper including footnotes, appendix (if applicable), references, tables, and figures.
Microsoft Word is preferred. Graphs, line drawings, and diagrams (art files) should be separate TIFF or EPS files, if possible, or Excel files, and in black and white only. All articles submitted for publication must represent original work not previously published and should not be under current review by another publisher.
Text style
Use 12-pt Times New Roman throughout the main text (10-pt is acceptable for figures and tables). Main headings should be in boldface, set over to the left margin (flush left), and numbered 1, 2, 3, etc. The text should follow the guidelines of the Chicago Manual of Style, 15th ed., and conform to usage in Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary, 11th ed. Write out “percent” (one word) in the text, but use of “%” is acceptable in tables to save space. Acronyms should be spelled out the first time they are used in the text.
Mathematical expressions
Use italics for scalar variables, use boldface to specify vectors and matrices, and use script for sets. All other letter symbols will appear as italics in print (except log, cov, max, exp, lim, ln, var, etc.). Equations should be numbered consecutively, and the equation numbers should be in parentheses flush right at the end of the line. Numbers between -1 and +1 should have 0 before the decimal point. Math equations should be created in an editable format such as MathType or Word’s Equation Editor. Please do not embed images in the Word files.
The first note will be the acknowledgment or explanatory note, if any, and an asterisk should be used on the article title. The footnote reference marks in the text should be superscripts. Footnotes should be numbered on the line (e.g., 1 The key issue . . .). Include essential footnotes only.
Tables and figures
Each table and figure should be on a separate page, and should be placed at the end of the manuscript in order. Figures should be computer-generated, in black and white, without grey backgrounds, and sent as Excel files or preferably supplied as EPS or TIFF files at a resolution of 900–1200 dpi. Figure titles and captions should not be drawn on the figure—they will be typeset at the time of printing and appear with the figure, flush left. Figures must be able to fit on page size (12×17 cm). Tables should contain only essential data and should not have more than 8 columns.
Citations and references
Citations in the text or footnotes should give only the name of the author(s), year of publication, and possibly a page number or chapter number, as follows: Hayek (1960, 220), (Cornwall 1965a, 1965b; Watts 1999). References to authors in the text must exactly match those in the reference section. Citations should take the place of footnotes whenever possible.
The section for references, which should follow the main text and begin on a new page, should have complete, verified information including the first names (not just the initials) and surnames of the authors and journal names in full (no abbreviations). No item should appear in the references if it has not been cited in the text. For titles of articles, books, and theses, use the “up” style of capitalization and do not use quotation marks. Journal articles must include the volume, issue number (or month), and page numbers. The reference list should be organized alphabetically by author’s last name and then by year, in ascending order. References should conform to the following examples:
- Book: Smart, Ninian. 1976. The Religious Experience of Mankind. New York: Scribner.
- Journal article: Fan, Gang, and Wing Thye Woo. 1996. State Enterprise Reform as a Source of Macroeconomic Instability. Asian Economic Journal 10 (3):207–224.
- Paper presented at a meeting: Thomas, Vinod, and Yang Wang. 1994. Asian Socialist and Non-socialist Transition Experiences. Paper presented at The Asia Foundation’s meeting, Comparing Transitions in East Asia and Eastern Europe, 2–3 December, Prague.
- Working paper: Easterley, William, and Stanley Fischer. 1994. The Soviet Economic Decline: Historical and Republican Data. NBER Working Paper No. 4735. Cambridge, MA: National Bureau of Economic Research.
- Paper in multiauthor collection: Rodrik, Dani. 1994. Foreign Trade in Eastern Europe’s Transition: Early Results. In The Transition in Eastern Europe, edited by Olivier Jean Blanchard, Kenneth Froot, and Jeffrey Sachs, pp. 319–352. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
- Magazine, newspaper, or newsletter article: No reference listing is needed, but include relevant information within the main text or in a footnote, e.g., Condon, Tim. 2002. A New Growth Model for Non-Japan Asia. ING Barings Economic and Policy Watch, 7 February. Hong Kong: ING Barings.
Authors should include an abstract in a form suitable for the Journal of Economic Literature that has no more than 100 words.
Authors will receive page proofs by FedEx for correction, which must be returned within 72 hours of receipt.
Authors may order offprints. An offprint order form will be provided to the primary author of each article.